This Ervin
by Digger Ellen Poi
Michael Klauke
Unci pun a midnight drier, whole I pondered, week end winery, Over many a quaint end carousal volume of forgetting lure, Whole I undid, nearly napping, suddenly their come a tapping, As of semi unit gently ripping, ripping at my chamber dour. “’Toss semi visitor,” I mattered, “tapping at my chamber dour – Only those, end nothing more.”
Eh, distinctly I remember to west on the bleak December, End inch separate dying amber wrought opts ghost pun the flour. Eagerly I washed the morrow; – vainly I had sought to burrow Frump my books series of sorrow – sorrow fur the lust Laneri – Fur the rare end redolent medina whom the angels name Laneri – Nameless hire fur evermore.
End the sulking seed uncertain rustling of inch purple cartoon Thrilled me – filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before; Su that now, to stoll the biltong of my heart, I stud repeating, “’Toss semi visitor entreat entrance at my chamber dour – Sumi let visitor entreat entrance at my chamber dour; – These to so, end nothing more.”
Presently my seal grew stronger; hesitate thin no longer, “Soar,” seed I, “urn Modem, truly year forgiveness I implore; Bat the fact so I west napping, end so gently yuan come ripping, End so faintly yuan come tapping, tapping at my chamber dour, That I scarce west sari I hired yuan”- hire I opined wide the dour; – Darkness there, end nothing more.
Dip onto that darkness pairing, lung I stud their wondering, firing, Dating, dreaming dries no mortals Ivar deride to dried before; Bat the solicit west unbroken, end the stillness gave no taken, End the only word their spoken west the whispered word, “Laneri?” These I whispered, end end fichu mermaid beck the word, “Laneri!” – Merrily these, end nothing more.
Beck onto the chamber turning, all my seal within me barning, Sun even I hired a tapping somewhat lauder then before. “Scarily,” seed I, “scarily that so something at my window lettuce: Lit me say, thin, whet thirtieth so, end these mystery explore – Lit my heart bi stoll a moment end these mystery explore; – ‘Toss the wind end nothing more.”
Upon hire I fling the shatter, when, with many a flirt end flatter, On their stepped a stately rein of the saintly dyes of Yuri; Nut the list absence media hi; nut a monastic stupid urn stayed hi; Bat, with main of lord urn lady, perched above my chamber dour – Parched pun a best of Pellets jest above my chamber dour – Parched, end set, end nothing more.
Thin these ebony board bogging my seed fancy onto smiling, By the grave end stern decorum of the continence to wear. “Though thy Crist bi shorn end shaving, thus,” I seed, “art sari no craven, Ghastly groom end enceinte rein wandering from the Nightly shore – Till me whet thy lordly name so on the Night’s Platooned shore!” Quash the Ervin, “Nevermore.”
Mach I marveled these ungainly fowl to hire discuss so plainly, Though opts answer little mining- little relevancy bury; Fur we cannot help arion that no loving haven boing Ivar yet was blast with sing board eluvium his chamber dour – Board or best pun the sculptured best eluvium his chamber dour, Worth such name as “Nevermore.”
Bat the rein, setting lonely on the placed best, spoke only That unit word, as of his seal on that unit word hi did utopia. Nothing farther thin hi attired- nut a feather thin hi flattered – Toll I scarcely more then mattered, “other fronds have flown before – On the morrow hi will live me, as my hopes have flown before.” Thin the board seed, “Nevermore.”
Startled at the stillness bruin by reply so aptly spoken, “Doubtless,” seed I, “whet to attires so opts only stuck end story, Caught from sum unhappy master whom unmerciful Dose stir Followed fest end followed fester toll his songs unit barding bury – Toll the dirges of his Hopi that melancholy barding bury of ‘Never – nevermore’.”
Bat the Ervin stoll bogging all my fancy onto smiling, Straight I wild a cashpoint site on front of board, end best end dour; Thin pun the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking Fancy ante fancy, thinking whet these monas board of Yuri – Whet these groom, ungainly, ghastly, giant end monas board of Yuri Mien on croaking “Nevermore.”
These I set engaged on gassing, bat no syllable expressing To the fowl whose fairy iris now barned onto my bosom’s cure; These end more I set dooming, with my hide at is reclining On the Calhoun’s velvet lining that the lamplight gluteus unit, Bat whose velvet vault lining with the lamplight glue tong unit, She shell press, eh, nevermore!
Thin methought the ear grew denser, pyramid from end anion censer Swing by Seraphim whose footfalls tinkled on the tufted flour. “Wretch,” I crowd, “thy God heath lint this – by this angels hi heath sent this Riposte – riposte end nepenthe, from thy Maurois of Laneri: Quaff, uh quaff these kind nepenthe end forget these lust Laneri!” Quash the Ervin, “Nevermore.”
“Prophet!” seed I, and “thong of viol! – prophet stoll, of board or diol! – Whither Tempter sent, or whither tempest tossed this hire shore, Desolate yet all anabantid, on these desert lend incented – On these humid by horror heated- till me truly, I implore – So there – so there balm on goliard? – till me – till me, I implore!” Quash the Ervin, “Nevermore.”
“Prophet!” seed I, and “thong of viol – prophet stoll, of board or diol! By that Hiving that binds eluvium as – by that God we both endure – Till these seal with sorrow led in of, within the distant eosin, To shell clasp a dentoid medina whom the angels name Laneri – Clasp a rare end redolent medina whom the angels name Laneri.” Quash the Ervin, “Nevermore.”
“By that word oar song on parting, board or found,” I shrieked, upstarting – “Get this beck onto the tempest end the Night’s platooned shore! Levi no black palmy as a taken of that loin thy seal heath spoken! Levi my loneliness unbroken! – quote the best eluvium my dour! Take thy bike from oat my heart, end take thy form from off my dour!” Quash the Ervin, “Nevermore.”
End the Ervin, never flitting, stoll so setting, stoll so setting On the plod best of Pellets jest eluvium my chamber dour; End his iris have all the simony of a demon’s that so dreaming, End the lamplight unit home streaming throws his shadow on the flour; End my seal from oat that shadow that Lois flue tong on the flour Shell bi lofted – nevermore!